Success Stories

Using AI to Jumpstart Fundraising at Non-Profits


How a nonprofit consultant uses AI trainers to shrink onboarding times from months to days, enabling new staff to fundraise much more effectively.


Clarion River Group (CRG) is a nonprofit consultancy that works with grassroots groups to optimize outreach and activism. CRG recognized that new nonprofit employees took, on average, 9 months to reach benchmark fundraising effectiveness. Because bootstrapped industries like nonprofits have low budgets for new staff development, this performance shortfall is rooted in quality training resources. CRG wanted to respond with a cost-effective and more scalable solution to train incoming staff

Enter MindStudio: 

CRG Founder, David Sailer, turned to MindStudio due to its conversational AI capabilities and multiple workflow functionality. To give new staff low-stakes practice before real-life attempts, CRG staff built an interactive training tool that offers customized role-playing scenarios and mimics real nonprofit fundraising conversations. In the program, staff lead the conversation, while the AI responds with concerns and resistance along the way.  

MindStudio Solutions:

  • Custom data sources to upload training materials
  • Ability for nonprofit staff to upload call transcripts and receive feedback
  • Ability to create custom training scenarios and practice calls

CRG’s focus begun with building staff confidence through increased confidence in overcoming objections. After successfully deploying this training module, CRG has expanded its value. Now, staff can export their call transcripts to the MindStudio AI and receive immediate scoring and feedback. Additionally, brand new staff members who have not completed their first-week AI training course can still add value by using the application as a knowledge base while on live calls.  

Looking Forward:

With CRG’s customizable AI training program, their nonprofit clients have reduced onboarding time for fundraising staff from an average of 9 months to just a few days. CRG’s consulting services are now in extremely high demand because their nonprofit clients are enjoying a 40% lift in their fundraising results and they feel confident that new staff have the correct resources to rapidly earn elevated results. 

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