Success Stories

AI Transforms Lead Gen and Sales Results


How a digital marketing agency “cracked the code” by implementing AI to make their sales team more efficient.


LeadGeneratorX, a digital marketing agency, recognized their team was wasting countless hours on mediocre leads. Despite efforts to clearly articulate the agency’s services online, prospective customers misunderstood the agency’s specialties, so the qualification process was challenged, and the net result was unproductive calls and low close rates.  


LeadGeneratorX turned to MindStudio's no-code platform for creating AI apps and initially considered offering development services in MindStudio, along with their pre-existing SEO and content optimization services. It became immediately clear that using MindStudio internally would dramatically improve the agency’s online presence and resolve their lead qualification problems.

MindStudio Wins:

  • Custom data sources
  • Lead collection 
  • Chat function and logged transcripts

Without any special coding skills, the LeadGeneratorX team was able to build and deploy an AI app to concisely explain the agency’s growing array of services. The application was also able to clearly define their onboarding timelines and summarize the results his team has driven for their customers.  

Once LeadGeneratorX’s landing pages were updated to reflect these new insights, the team took the next step and embedded the AI application directly into the website. Now, potential customers engage directly with a fully-trained customer service bot. This tool ensures customers are educated about the diversity of products that the agency offers, “self-qualified” before their first sales call, and each relevant service (based on the lead’s inputs to the Chat AI) is surfaced. All of these insights are pre-loaded into the sales CRM, and gives informed structure to every sales call.   

Looking Forward:

Today, every time sales communicate with a potential client, both the client and the sales staff are mutually aware of the lead’s highest needs and know exactly where the LeadGeneratorX team can offer an immediate impact. By using AI in the customers’ journey,  up-selling the agency’s AI package has seen near-universal acceptance.

This quarter’s results are the strongest to date and LeadGeneratorX is now hiring more development staff to keep up with exponential growth. In the last few weeks, LeadGeneratorX has built five starter apps and plans to add three or four niche apps per month as they expand their customer base and add new products for existing customers.

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