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How to Automate Scheduling with MindStudio and Calendly Integration


This step-by-step guide covers integrating MindStudio and Calendly to enable automated scheduling flows for sales, consultations, interviews and more.

Benefits of Automated Scheduling

Automating scheduling with Calendly and MindStudio provides several advantages:

  • Self-service booking 24/7 without manual effort
  • Customized openings based on real-time availability
  • Flexibility for rescheduling when needed
  • Reduced double-booking conflicts
  • Optimized calendar organization

How the Integration Works

The MindStudio Calendly block connects to your Calendly account using your personal API token. User input collected by MindStudio triggers a availability check on your Calendly calendar.

Based on open slots, your automation can directly share booking links or suggest alternate times. The result is a smooth, automated scheduling experience!

Configuring the Integration

To set up the Calendly integration in MindStudio, follow these steps:

  1. Get Calendly API token
  2. Add Calendly block
  3. Connect token and variables
  4. Create user date/time inputs
  5. Build scheduling conversation logic
  6. Test automation end-to-end

And that's all it takes to start automating your scheduling! Connect MindStudio and Calendly to offer 24/7 self-service booking.

Set up Calendy in MindStudio Now

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