
How to Build an AI Hashtag Optimizer in Under 10 minutes


How to Build a Hashtag Optimizer with MindStudio

In this tutorial, we’re going to build our own Hashtag Optimizer using MindStudio. This tool will help us generate relevant and trending hashtags for our content based on the topic and keywords we provide.

To get started, we're going to remix the Social Media Post Generator 


The preamble is the code that tells the AI what to do and how to do it. We can edit the existing preamble from the Social Media Post Generator to suit our needs. Here are the steps:

  • Replace all occurrences of “social media posts” with “hashtags”. You can do this by right-clicking on the word and selecting “Change All Occurrences”.
  • Edit the instructions to say that we want to generate hashtags about the provided topic and that the hashtags should relate to the content itself.
  • Use the data points to personalize the hashtags. We can use the sign # to tell the AI to pick from a list of trending hashtags related to our content.
  • Delete any lines that mention the writing style, as we don’t need that for hashtags.
  • Edit the AI response section to say that we want a list of hashtags for each social media platform, separated by commas. We can use the sign | to tell the AI to format the output in a way that we can easily copy and paste.

Here is how our updated preamble looks like: 


Now that we have the preamble complete let’s move onto the automations. Automations are the inputs and outputs that we use to interact with the AI. We can customize them to make our tool more user-friendly and efficient. Here are the steps:

  • Change the user input at the bottom from “What should this post be about?” to “What is the subject of your post?” and keep the variable name as “topic”.
  • Add another user input below that says “Are there any keywords you’d like to include?” and change the variable name to “keywords”.
  • Change the user message at the end from “Generate a social media post about [topic]” to “Generate a list of hashtags about [topic] and include any relevant [keywords]”.
  • Add another line at the end that says “Separate all hashtags by social media platform”.

Here is how our updated automations look like:


The prefixes are optional texts that we can add before or after the AI’s response. We don’t need any prefixes for our tool, so we can leave them blank.

Modal Settings

The modal settings are where we can adjust some parameters of the AI, such as the temperature, frequency penalty, presence penalty, etc. We can keep them as they are for now, but feel free to experiment with them later.


The sharing section is where we can give our tool a name, a description, some tags, and some images. We can change these fields as follows:

  • Name: Hashtag Optimizer
  • Short Description: Generate relevant and trending hashtags for your content based on your topic and keywords.
  • Long Description: Hashtag Optimizer is a tool that helps you create hashtags for your content based on your topic and keywords. It uses OpenAI’s powerful natural language processing engine to generate a list of hashtags for each social media platform, separated by commas. You can easily copy and paste them into your posts and reach more audiences. Whether you are a blogger, a marketer, or a content creator, Hashtag Optimizer can help you boost your online presence and engagement.
  • Tags: hashtag, social media, marketing, content creation
  • Icon Image: (upload an image of your choice)
  • Share Image: (upload an image of your choice)

Here is how our updated sharing section looks like:


Now that we have finished editing our tool, we can test it out by clicking on the “Run” button at the top right corner. The AI will ask us for our topic and keywords, and then generate a list of hashtags for us. Here is an example:

We have successfully created our own Hashtag Optimizer using YouAi. This tool can help us generate relevant and trending hashtags for our content based on our topic and keywords. We can use it to boost our online presence and engagement across different social media platforms.

And remember there's lots of different ways that you can customize and create AIs. You can build them from scratch or you can build them on top of an already existing AI like we did here. 

If you're having any trouble always check out some of our other YouTube videos and tutorials.

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