
How to Build an AI Powered Tweet Generator


How to Create an AI-powered Tweet Generator in Less Than 10 Minutes

Have you ever wished you had a personal assistant to whip up some fantastic tweets for you? Well, you're just in luck. Using MindStudio, you can create a unique AI tweet generator that delivers creative, exciting, and engaging tweets in less than ten minutes! Don’t worry, no coding skills are required and this guide will help you through the process of building your AI-powered tweet generator. Buckle up; let's get started!

Prefer to listen and watch? We also have a video tutorial on how to create an AI-powered Tweet Generator.

The Remix Approach

To create an AI tweet generator, we will be leveraging an existing YouAi AI and remixing it. (“Remixing” is our way of saying using a previously created AI as a starting point to build.)

 In this case, we are choosing the blog post generator since we have used it before and it aligns nicely with generating tweets. You can access your chosen AI on the YouAi website and begin by clicking on the remix button.

Once you open the remix option, you will be taken to an editor where you can modify and control almost everything.

The Automation Flow

On the automation flow, you'll notice some pre-filled user inputs like 'What should the blog post be about?'. We'll modify these based on our tweet generator. First, we're changing 'blog post' to 'tweet'.

Next, we change the 'How many words should the tweet be' user input. Since we know that Twitter has a character limit, we can remove this query entirely. The AI will understand that by asking for a tweet, the result should be within that character limit.

Our final user input is 'Who is the intended audience?', which we'll keep in the automation flow because it provides valuable context for our AI assistant. Since this question might change with each use, we want to make sure the end user fills this in every time.

Next, we’ll add the user message automation. We can change “replace blog post” to “generate a tweet about…” Here is what that updated message will look like:

"Generate a tweet about " + variables.topic + ". Its intended audience is " + variables.audience + " ."

One exciting feature we can add is to generate a set of five tweets, providing you with a variety of tweets to choose from!

Modifying the Preamble

Moving on to the preamble, we will make some changes by replacing any references to 'blog post' with 'tweet'.

Protip: Use “cmd + d” on your keyboard to select all of the highlighted word. This makes it easy and fast to remove an unwanted word and replace it with a new one!

We will leave important notes untouched to ensure we don't lose any essential parts of the AI configuration instructions.

The Role of the Assistant

First, let's modify the assistant's role description. Its task will shift from generating a blog post to creating a tweet about a provided topic. Additionally, we'll tweak a few things to ensure the assistant generates concise tweets, which will not feel like shortened essays.

Formatting the Response

Still, the assistant will always include two aspects in its response: the tweet (content) and a brief engaging summary explaining the assistant's thinking (thinking overview).

In this step, we can delete line 27 since we will no longer need a title, and we can delete line 39 and 40s since we no longer need the username parameters. 

Post Response Conversation

Unless you select “end” in the user journey then users can continue their conversation with the assistant post-response, requesting edits or other revisions.  If you have “end” set up in your automation then the chat will end with the user after the tweets have been produced.

To handle multiple tweets, the assistant will prefix each tweet with the string AI copyable so that users can copy individual tweets easily.


We have two variables in play here, the topic and the audience. The creation of the tweet depends on these variables. To ensure the variables are matched correctly, we will merge the writing sample variable to the appropriate prompt.


The blog post generator has 4 prompts already written to help train the AI on the user. Prompts are one time questions that help the AI learn more about the user - in this case the AI is learning more about the user's writing style.

We will need to update these prompts to make them relevant for a user who is looking to generate tweets. First let’s delete the name prompt and the prompt asking about samples of your writing.

Now let’s add a new raw data prompt that is more specific to tweets, “Paste any writing samples that you’d like to imitate in your tweets. They can be your own writings or from others”. Don’t forget to hit save! 

Since we deleted the blog writing sample prompt we need to go into variables and drag our new tweet sample prompt under the writing sample drop down. 

Now our tweet generation AI is almost complete!

Testing the AI

Before deployment, it's always a good idea to test. You can use YouAi's Preview Draft feature to try out the tweet generation AI on a sample topic and audience.

AI Model Settings

Once you've verified that the AI is working as expected, it's time to choose the right AI model. Claude V2, YouAi's latest offering, is perfect for our task since it is able to adapt to different contexts and understands users' intent and tone. 

Now that you have set your AI model it’s time to set suitable max response and temperature values. Temperature values determine how much creative freedom you are giving the AI, in short the higher the temperature the more different each result can be for the same prompt.

Sharing and Publishing the AI Tweet Generator

Finally, we will update the sharing settings, including a fitting image, AI name, and description. Setting it to public and making it remixable closes the development cycle.

Now the tweet generator is all yours to use and bask in your AI-powered tweets!

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