Create a Personal Resume Generator


Upload Your Own Data to Create a Custom Resume Generator

Using MindStudio, you can remix an existing resume generation app and upload your own data to create a tailored resume builder. 

Here’s how:

Step 1: Create an Account

First, you’ll need an account on a no-code AI platform like MindStudio. Sign up for a free account so you can remix existing apps.

Step 2: Remix the Resume Editor App

Search for and open the Resume Editor app. Click the vertical three-dot menu next to your profile icon in the top right, and select “remix” to create your own editable copy of the workflow.

Step 3: Add Your Own Resume Data

In the left menu, select “Data Sources” then click the “+” button to add your own resumes and create a new data source. Include as many resume versions as you’d like under one data source to help the AI parse the correct skills. Make sure to include resumes tailored to different jobs or industries if you have them. You can also upload longer CVs, and portfolios. Name your resume data source “Your Name Resumes”.

Step 4: Instruct the AI to Use Your New Data Source

Select “Automations” at the top center of your workspace. Click on the “Query Data Source” block, and select your data source from the “Data Source” drop down on the right. Next, select the “Chat” block. Ensure “Retrieval Augmented Generation” is selected from the “Strategy” drop down on the right. Then, select your new data source in the “Data Source” drop down. You do not need to edit any other sections at this time.

Step 5: Publish Your App

Once uploaded, publish your remixed resume generator app. Test it out with a few sample job postings.

Optional Step 6: Keep Customizing

Review the resumes your application generates and adjust the prompt to improve the results and generate exactly what you need. Refer to the linked tutorials below for more customization tips.

Getting Started with MindStudio

Writing Your AI Prompt

Automation Workflows

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