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Create Your Own AI Post Generator With MindStudio and Make


Social media marketers are tasked with producing captivating content at record speeds. Generic AI tools promise to help, churning out posts designed to appeal to the masses. 

However, their one-size-fits-all approach leaves much to be desired when it comes to personalization.

Instead of settling for bland AI content, it's time to take control and build a custom post generator tailored to your brand. We'll guide you in creating an AI assistant that adopts your distinct tone of voice to produce content that truly resonates with your audience and posts the results on a Trello board for you to review and approve.

This guide can be used to generate:

  • Social content
  • Blog content
  • Email content
  • Thought leadership content
  • Landing page content

Don’t worry, this requires absolutely no coding and no access to external APIs. All you need is a MindStudio and Make account. Both offer completely free accounts.

Create Your New AI

From your MindStudio dashboard, click on “Create New AI” to get going. This will prompt MindStudio’s interface to create custom AI applications without coding.

MindStudio is a very powerful and flexible no-code AI builder, so we packed it with a great array of features. But that doesn’t mean it’s hard to use.

The first pop-up you’ll see when creating a new app prompts you to describe the behavior and name of the application.

In our example, let’s say the name is “MindStudio AI Post Generator”, and the description is: “The AI will help users generate captivating social media posts. The AI will make use of best practices depending on the destination platform, and always format responses in markdown”.

This is quite similar to what you would do to create a Custom GPT, where you instruct GPTs to act as a certain job function.

MindStudio will then use our in-house open-source prompt generator AI to output a fully custom master prompt. The master prompt serves as a clearly defined set of instructions and desired outputs for your AI, and will be included in all future responses and "Send Message" interactions.

As you can see, 10 seconds was all it took to create a fully custom AI to generate social media posts. 

This is not that interesting, though, is it?

We’re so used to ChatGPT doing everything for us that a simple “prompt” doesn’t feel that exciting anymore. Social media marketers deserve more, and we’re here to provide it.

Now that we have the basics covered, let’s switch to “Automations,” where the real fun begins.

Set Up Your Automations

Automations are what make MindStudio 10x more powerful than your average custom GPT. Here, non-technical users can generate custom workflows and output the results wherever they want. 

Let’s map out what we need to generate posts: 

  • Tone of voice: the post should feel on-brand, not a generic regurgitation coming from the vast knowledge of LLMs; 
  • Topic: the AI needs something to write about; 
  • Endpoint: where do we want the post to end up? 

For our example today, let’s assume we want a fun and energetic tone of voice and to send the AI Posts to Trello.

Now, it’s time to get building.

Imagine the Automations area as your personal LEGO playground, where each block represents a different function to help your AI get to the end result.

Think of blocks as questions and answers. A block can be an input (question), which outputs a variable (answer), or it could be a message coming from the AI (answer). You can learn more about Inputs and Send Message blocks here.

Let’s build it out in MindStudio.

Input: Tone of Voice

The first input will capture your tone of voice. It will then output the result in a variable called “toneOfVoice”. We’re using camel-case to remember the scope and name of this input later on.

Input: Topic

The second input will capture the topic. Here, you’ll detail what the post is about. This could be a transcript of a video that the AI will summarize and post on Twitter, a recent news you want to talk about to your audience, or a promotion for Christmas. 

It doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, the AI will morph to your needs. This is the power of building it yourself versus having others decide what’s important to you.

Input: Platform

You most likely need the AI to customize the post according to the platform. A tweet should be shorter than a Facebook post, and a Facebook post should be friendlier than a LinkedIn Post. 

Asking for the platform as an input lets you customize how the AI will behave later on. In our example, we added Facebook and Twitter as options, but you can add as many as you like.

Output: Send Message

The “Send Message” block lets you ask the LLM for a generation. In this case, you want an AI Post Generation for social media articles.

Remember that anything you write here will be sent to the LLM model together with everything in the main prompt. You don’t need to clarify the same things, nor instruct the AI about its role again.

Here, you want to tell the AI model (GPT-3.5 in this example) where to take the information it needs to fulfill its role.

The information is stored in our two variables: {{toneOfVoice}} and {{topic}}. Let’s send these in together with a quick explanation on the limit for the platforms we want to post on:

Looks good. Let’s test this out with a post on this very post, with a professional tone, to post on Facebook:

Great, it’s working as expected. 

It’s time to send this to a Trello board so you can review the posts and publish the ones you like the most. We’ll use Make to do so, you can register for free here.


Add a new function to your AI, and select “Make Webhook” from the community functions. The function needs two values to work: 

  • A webhook URL: we will generate this from
  • An input: this is the AI post it generated in the step before

Webhook URL

In the scenario builder, add a “custom webhook”, click on create, and name it however you want. In this example, we named it “AI Post Generator”. Click save.

This will generate an address that looks like this:

You don’t need to know what it means. Just copy it, and paste it in the webhook input for the integration. MindStudio will do the rest!


As for the input, we’re not currently storing the AI post anywhere. We’re just displaying it to the user.

In order to use the post in a function, we need to store the send message output as a variable, rather than showing it to the user.

That’s all! This is how the function looks like in the end:

Send the Post to Trello

Now that you have the post in a Make scenario, you can send it wherever you want. You could even publish it to Facebook directly, or send it to a chatbot on Telegram. 

With over 1000+ integrations, Make won’t disappoint you when it comes to flexible and powerful integrations with third-party apps.
In our example, let’s send the post to Trello so a future teammate, or yourself, can review all social media posts generated by your custom AI before publishing.

This is done in Make, with a 1-step scenario execution. 

Add the Trello module 

The Trello module is available on all Make plans. Add it to your scenario.

It will ask for a name and description. The name could be “new post”, and for description you’ll need to select the actual post.

The post is stored in the output of the custom webhook. Select the “data” from the webhook as the variable. 

We’re adding this new post to our Trello’s board in the list “To review”. 

Check the Result in Trello

And… that’s everything!

Our post is on Trello, ready for review and, eventually, publishing. 

Congratulations: You Made It! 

To recap, you successfully: 

  1. Created a completely custom AI, which will follow your commands to the T, to generate on-brand captivating social media posts; 
  2. Collected all the information you need to generate the posts;
  3. Skipped through all the “prompt engineering” guides and “prompt packs” by simply describing what you need to a send message block;
  4. Sent the posts to a Trello board for review.

This happened in about 10 minutes, zero lines of codes, and completely for free. Big kudos to everyone that went through this in full, and we hope you had fun building custom AI applications with MindStudio.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re interested in learning more, see our example applications, watch our professionally-crafted YouTube tutorials, or join our certification program.

Don’t let the revolution slip by you: start 10x your productivity with AI solutions that speak and act like you today. 

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