Success Stories

Driving Public Engagement with AI


How a government advocate and local public figure increased community engagement with MindStudio AI.


Facing poor polling numbers, a government advocate and public figure in Milwaukee, Tarik Moody, was seeking a solution to communicate dense municipal budgets and legislative processes to his community. He recognized that in order to get the provisions passed on a ballot initiative, direct public engagement was needed to increase transparency on the proposed tax allocations.


In searching for the right tool to accomplish this tall order, Tarik decided to give MindStudio AI a try. He saw MindStudio AI’s ability to summarize dense text in simple and usable ways as extremely compelling, and was immediately drawn to its ability to handle large amounts of data as well as directly scrape updated information from public government websites to ensure his application was always accurate.  

MindStudio Wins:

  • Accepted large documents as data sources
  • Able to scrape changing websites that had up-to-date budget information
  • No-code builder removed need for engineering experience
  • Easily accessible tutorials
  • Multiple foundational AI selections (Claude and GPT4)

With no prior coding experience, and after watching the “Getting Started” tutorials, he selected Claude as a backend foundational AI model and built out the MindStudio workflow layers to complete his AI tool. The result is The Brewmaster, an AI-powered app that explains Milwaukee budget allocations in plain language. 

Looking Forward:

Tarik embedded the AI on a public website and encouraged residents to share what they saw as shortfalls in city operations. The AI application was able to capture these concerns, respond with data pulled directly from public information, and relate how the proposed budget bill would address each individual’s concern. 

Transformatively, local voters were using the AI to answer budget questions specific to their district, instantly. 

Today, Tarik has even bigger plans - with elections approaching, he aims to also leverage MindStudio to demystify confusing legislation and upcoming ballot measures to increase voter understanding. 

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