
How no-code tools are making AI more accessible and effective

May 16
12:00 pm
Artwork for Integrating AI with No-Code Application Development Tools DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION PODCASTIntegrating AI with No-Code Application Development Tools 30 00:00:00 / 00:29:28 30 Subscribe to This ShowDownload This EpisodeEmbed This PlayerShare This Episode


No-code AI tools are making AI adoption much faster and more accessible for enterprises. MindStudio CEO Dmitry Shapiro sits down with Digital Transformation Podcast host Kevin Craine to discuss the details of how no-code AI is revolutionizing digital transformation. Dmitry explains how an AI workspace like MindStudio removes the technical barriers of implementing AI because it doesn’t require specialized expertise. He talks about the pre-built modular components that MindStudio offers to make building a custom AI solution possible in as little as 15 minutes to a few hours. 

He also addresses data and security concerns around enterprise-level AI, the benefits of users building their own tools without developer support, and the positive impact of AI on jobs. 

Show notes

  • Implementing AI is not just a competitive advantage but a necessity [00:37]
  • No-code AI tools remove hurdles in developing applications. [02:28]
  • Data security and compliance with AI implementation [9:07]
  • Change agents adopt AI more quickly and drive innovation [11:45]
  • Specific examples of successful AI implementation [14:52]
  • Impact of AI on enterprises and jobs [17:47]

“The risk of doing nothing with AI is losing your competitive advantage and potentially facing an existential crisis.” 
- Dmitry Shapiro, MindStudio CEO

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