
How to Build an AI Video Script Generator


Creating Your Own AI Character

We’re here to show you how you can build your own AI video script generator in just a few minutes using our no-code platform MindStudio. Once you’re able to create a video script generator, you can use the same process to create AIs that generate all types of content!

To get started, open MindStudio and select “New AI”. Remove the default preamble and tell the AI you want it to generate video scripts on any subject and keyword. 

Ensure the AI creates attention-grabbing hooks and introductions to captivate your audience. Provide details on the overall tone and style you want the scripts to match your brand. The language should be clear and simple enough for anyone to understand.

Here’s what we added:

Add formatting rules for the AI to follow, including:

  • Timestamps and markers to indicate different sections. 
  • Visual descriptions and cues for your graphics and footage, like suggested camera movements and framing.

With the preamble set, start adding input automations. 

Ask the user:

  • What their video subject is. (Select “Text” input)
  • The video style (educational, entertaining, etc.) (Select “Text” input)
  • How long the video will be. (Select “Text” input)
  • Any keywords to include. (Select “Text” input)

Create an automation to generate a script using this information. For our last automation we chose “Send Message” and gave the AI these instructions:

Give your AI a name like “Video Script Generator” and a description explaining how it can “Create video scripts for your next video.” If you want, you can  set the AI to be remixable  so others can build on it. You can also charge for use of your AI and share it wherever a link can go!

To test it out, enter that you want an educational 5-10 minute video on how AI helps create video scripts, with the keywords “AI,” “content creation,” “video scripts,” and “easy to use.” Within seconds, you’ll have an outline with everything needed for your video!

Spend time improving and customizing your AI. The possibilities are endless for how you can build AIs to enhance content creation and other creative processes. 

Want to learn how to create something else? Check out how to build A Tweet Generator in under 5 minutes!

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