
How to Create Your Own AI Character


How to Build an AI Character on MindStudio

Have you ever wanted to build your own AI character? MindStudio makes it easy. We’ll show you how we created Dracula, a friendly vampire with a passion for roller skating, using MindStudio's Create a Character scaffold.

To get started, open MindStudio and search for "Create a Character." Select the scaffold and click "Remix" to open the editor. You'll see comments in green directing you through the process. The first step is naming your character. We renamed all instances of "name" to "Dracula Roller Skates."

Next, determine your character's attributes. We gave Dracula an age of 250 years old and listed his occupation as "vampire." We also added that he has a "vast knowledge of vampires and roller skating."

For personality traits, we described Dracula as "a friendly and witty vampire." We tweaked some of the default options to align with my vision for Dracula's personality. For speech and language, We indicated that Dracula "uses intense language and expressions," which fits for a flamboyant vampire character.

In the prefix, We customized the greeting to sound like it's coming from Dracula:

For sharing, We gave the AI a name, description, and added relevant tags. We also updated the icon to a photo of Dracula and made sure the AI was public. 

After publishing, Dracula greeted me with "Hello, my name is Dracula Roller Skates. I want to suck your blood and skate around the club!” When I asked why he loves to drink blood, he responded, "The crimson life essence gives me eternal youth and vigor, enabling me to skate the night away!"

Creating an AI character in MindStudio only takes a few minutes. You can customize the scaffold to build any character you like, from a pirate to a wizard or talking pet. My Dracula Roller Skates character shows how easy and fun it can be to build your own AI personalities. Feel free to remix Dracula into your own creation!

Want to learn more ways to build AIs? Check out our Tutorials!

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