
Introducing Book AI


Written communication has come a long way, from ancient clay tablets and stone etchings to papyrus and parchment scrolls. Gutenberg's printing press brought us mass production of books, and today we have access to many formats — paperback, hardcover, audiobooks, Kindle, etc.

Introducing a new format — Book AI

Book AIs are books that have been transformed into interactive artificial intelligences — allowing readers to converse with them.

This new format presents profound new capabilities for readers, and a new, recurring revenue stream for authors and publishers.

What can Book AIs do that printed books cant?

Readers (we should probably find a new word to use in this context), can:

Ask the AI questions — beyond simple search, the AI understands the content in the book and can provide clarification, interpretation, restatement in different ways, summarization, expansion, etc.

Ask the AI to perform tasks that are defined in the book — generate content, analyze data / situations, act as a master practitioner of the concepts in the book.

To enumerate all of the new capabilities that this format ushers in is difficult, but it is certain that as we all engage with Book AIs, we will discover countless powerful and surprising capabilities.

Creating a Book AI is simple, and takes less than 15 minutes.

Authors, publishers, and other rights holders can easily create and distribute Book AIs.

The process is straightforward, and doesn’t require any technical skills.

Here are the steps:

  1. Log into MindStudio — a free tool that is used to create AIs.
  2. Remix this Book AI Scaffold (click on the three dots at the top right, and choose “remix”.
  3. Upload your book text — either as a text file (.txt) or as a pdf (.pdf)
  4. Then choose the monthly subscription price for your Book AI — readers will get a free tier, and then be asked to subscribe. You keep 70% of all monthly recurring revenue.

Watch the short video tutorial for all the details

Once your Book AI is created, you can share the link anywhere — send it, share on social media, embed the AI in your own website, etc.

If you have any questions, or need help, please contact

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