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MindStudio Now Detects Configuration Issues with Helpful Warnings and Errors for AI Developers


MindStudio has rolled out a small but very useful update focused on proactively detecting configuration issues in AI apps - the platform now prominently displays error and warning notifications for things like missing data source selections, duplicate variable definitions, undefined variables in preamble text, and more.

Minor problems like undefined variables can completely break conversations at runtime or lead to unexpected behavior. So identifying these types of errors during development is crucial for creators building robust AIs.

Now, any errors or warnings within a MindStudio app will automatically appear in the top bar where the AI name is displayed. Creators can click on the notifications to see details of any problems preventing successful deployment of the bot. If no errors exist, then the top bar remains clean with no visible warnings.

This new automated error capturing streamlines troubleshooting of configuration issues that may previously have only emerged after publishing when end users experienced failed conversations. Proactively flagging problems during the development process improves productivity for AI Developers to and allows them to create more reliably functioning AIs for end users.

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