
MindStudio Hackathon: Build AI-powered Applications — No Coding Required!

Nov 4
10:00 pm

Join the MindStudio Hackathon! Unleash your creativity and develop AIs that can transform the way we live, work, and play. Anyone can participate – No coding skills are required!

🗓 Event Details

- Date: Saturday Nov 4th 8:00 am - Monday Nov 6th 8:00 am (48 hours)
- Location: MindStudio Discord Channel

🛠 What You'll Be Doing

- Platform: We'll be using MindStudio to create various AIs.
- Task: Design, implement, and test your AI solutions.
- Team Size: Go solo or team up to 3 people.
- Prerequisites: None! Here's some tutorials to get you started with MindStudio.

🏆 Prizes

- Grand Prize: $1,000 cash
- Additional Prizes: 1 x $500  and 2 x $250

🧑‍⚖️ Judges

📝 How to Participate

1. Register: Fill out the registration form below!
2. Join Discord: You'll receive an invite to our exclusive MindStudio Discord channel.
3. Attend the Kickoff: Make sure to be online at the start time for the official kickoff and rules overview – Nov 4th 8:00 am
4. Build: Use MindStudio to build one, or multiple AIs.
5. Submit: Share your project on Discord before the deadline. You can submit up to 3 AI apps.
6. Judging: Our panel of experts will evaluate projects based on innovation, applicability, and design.
7. Win: Prizes will be announced a week after the hackathon ends, so that judges have a chance to review submitted AIs.

‼️ Rules
  • Must Stop Working on the AI after 8:00 AM PT on Monday, November 6th.
  • An old AI is fine to submit, but you should improve it
  • The app can be a paid app, does not need to be free
  • Competition is global
  • Does not need to be remixable (or public)
  • Can use any features / foundational AIs available in MindStudio
  • There is no theme, be as creative as you'd like

Ready to be a part of something big? Sign up now and let your ideas shine!
We can't wait to see what you create!

Register now ->
Event ended. Watch recording here ->