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So You Want to Digitize Your Mind


YouAi is building a mind indexer—a tool to digitize your mind.

In this post, I’d like to briefly explore what that actually means, how it works, and why digitizing your mind is an imperative step in interfacing with the next generation of information technology. It sounds crazy, but at the end of the day, it’s quite simple and intuitive.

Let's clear one thing up early: we are not talking about implants or hardware. The mind indexer is completely software based.

To index your mind, YouAi presents you with a never-ending feed of prompts—bite-sized interactive experiences designed to capture various aspects of your inner landscape. It feels a bit like a mix of TikTok and Buzzfeed quizzes.

As you engage with each prompt—or skip any that you do not wish to engage with—YouAi learns a tiny bit more about you. The more prompts you engage with, the more you render the digital map of your mind.

You should think of each prompt like a pixel in an image. No single prompt means anything on its own—just like no one pixel in an image means anything in its isolation. But when you have a lot of pixels, the image becomes clear. The higher the density of pixels, the higher the resolution of the image; the more you can zoom in and still make things out.

This is a helpful analogy to keep in mind as we talk about what the mind indexer is not. For example, the mind indexer is not a personality test. It’s not like Myers–Briggs or Enneagrams. It’s not trying to ask you questions and use your answers to those questions to compute some kind of result.

In fact, you really shouldn’t think of prompts as being questions and answers at all. Prompts are, simply, stimuli that generate responses from humans.

Some of them might take the form of questions and answers, because these are entertaining and can be useful (“Describe a core childhood memory”, “Would you rather eat pizza or sushi?”, etc.), but to spend time examining the natural-language interpretations of those prompts is a pointless exercise because it misses the bigger value of the exercise.

The goal of the mind indexer is not to learn things about you in any form that humans can comprehend. The goal of the mind indexer is to generate massive amounts of data; to generate as many pixels as possible on the digital map of your mind by tokenizing your responses to various stimuli.

One of the places we’ve already seen a form of this in the wild is the TikTok feed. TikTok, too, is indexing your mind—but only on a very narrow dimension by digitizing your preferences for video content. In the same way as ChatGPT uses tokenized word fragments to predict the next word in a sentence, the TikTok algorithm uses its dataset to predict the next video in your feed.

We are doing this on a massive scale. The goal of this is that over time, given a prompt, YouAi will be able to predict your response without asking you.

Once the YouAi model has enough data that it is aligned with your mental state (which is constantly changing and evolving—so it’s not simply a one-time thing), it can begin to act autonomously—to engage with the digital world in the same way you would, only radically faster, smarter, and more effectively.

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