
"There's an AI for that"


I didn’t get it at first. When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone in 2007, I was perplexed. Why would we want to have a bunch of “apps” on our phone, when all we really need is a browser?

But, it is clear now that “there’s an app for that” approach to using software is spot on — “The right tool for the job”

As we approach Artificial Intelligence, we are once again presented with choices.

  1. Should we all just go directly to ChatGTP, Bard, and other foundation models, and engage with them via their chat interfaces — learning to think like “prompt engineers”, and then typing long prompts, mostly with our thumbs?
  2. Should we embrace the “there’s an AI for that” approach — choosing the right AI for the job.

Everyone can Create AIs — A Massive opportunity

You, anyone reading this, have an opportunity to jump in and create countless AIs to address countless problems around us.

We are now in AI, where mobile apps were in 2007 — just at the beginning.

There are now over 200 AIs available in YouAi’s App Store. There are over 2.5M apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Many of us didn’t seize the opportunity to create mobile apps and benefit from the gold rush, as developing mobile apps required deep tech skills. AI is different.

To create new AIs requires no programming, as the AI does that heavy lifting. All it takes is to write a simple spec in a preamble, and you’ve created an AI. Publish it, and choose if people can use it for free, or have to pay for using it.

How to create AIs, for anything, without any code

Here are a few videos that show how easy and fast it is to create new AI’s using MindStudio:

Create an AI Tweet Generator in less than 10 minutes

Create a Video Script Generator in 3 minutes

General overview of MindStudio

What use cases could YOU address with AI?

The opportunity is at our feet. Figure out what needs to be addressed with AI, and just do it!

Each AI you launch is a potential individual revenue stream.

You can launch new AI’s in minutes to hours — launch multiple new revenue streams per day.

You do the math :)

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